Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am terrible at blogging!!!

I am attempting again to keep up with our blog. Let's see if it works :) The major thing that is driving my family right now is the possablility of getting a new home. There is a home down the street that my parents are willing to buy and rent to us until we can buy it from them. So I am currently job hunting so that we can afford it. I have a possible babysitting job offer right now. I really home it works out because then we would be able to afford the rent. Money would still be really tight until Xanhnha finishes school but we will survive. All that matters right now is us getting into that house!!

Jordan started preK last month and LOVES it. He is really enjoying the structure and organized play. I went to back to school night last night and saw some pictures he did and signed up to assist in some of the parties. I am really happy we decided to put him into preK.

Mom and I already got a head start on Christmas shopping. It is still amazing how much more I need to get though. The boys are done so now I just have to control myself and not buy them anything else between now and Christmas.

Well thats all for now. Hopefully I will be better at this this time.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

sick days

Hi everyone! Sorry I'm such an inconsistent blogger :) So my family has been sicks for a few days now. It is not fun cleaning up vomit when you are sick yourself. But we seem to be in the upswing today so that is good.

Mom went into the hospital today for her neck surgery. I was so sad that she was not able to cuddle her grand babies yesterday because she had to stay away from us in case she got sick as well. She will not be able to hold them for 6 weeks and she's afraid that they will forget about her.

Xanhnha and I may be buying a new car this week. We are very excited. It is a 2008 Mazda sport. It is sooo cool I love it! We have an appointment today but I don't know if I should go because I would need to hire a baby sitter to watch the kids and I don't think I should expose anyone to a potential illness. Xanhnha has managed to avoid getting sick to maybe he can go without me. If not we can always go tomorrow but it makes me nervous because I don't want anyone else buying my car!

Well I think that covers the updates for now I promise to post again soon with pics of the family

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sorry about the long break

= A cake I made with Jordan!

So I am terrible about keeping a diary and since this blog is essentially a family diary it should not be a surprise that I am terrible about keeping up with this as well. Lots has happened since my last post. The family went to the cake show in Maryland and my cake won 2nd place in the intermediate category!!! It was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life :) We all had a really good time. It was nice to get out of the house for a few days with the family and not think about anything except for having fun.
Cake Show entry
We started to potty train Jordan again 2 weeks ago. He is perfect at home when he is naked but has lots of accidents when we put him in underwear. This week I have started to have him wear them all the time so he gets used to them. One step at a time it is getting done. My patience is wearing thin though. I don't know how much longer I can do this! Potty training is not my friend :( I think that I feel a lot of stress because I know that he has to be potty trained in order to go to preschool this fall and the deadline looms over me.
Jared chipped a tooth last week and we don't really know how. This is a problem because we have not added him onto our dental plan. Xanhnha is trying to add him before we take him to a dentist otherwise this will be a very expensive injury. Luckily the tooth does not seem to be bothering Jared at all. I will occasionally rub my finger over the tooth to see if there is any sensitivity and he doesn't seem to care. It does need to be filed though so it does not chip any further. For several days I was not able to really look at him because I would get sick in my stomach thinking how I must be a bad mother for letting this happen to my baby. ( I know that is ridiculous but I couldn't help feeling that way) Besides his tooth he is just as sweet as ever. He is still a night time terror but that too will pass in time.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

busy week

Katrina's Bday Cake

Baby Shower Cake

First of all I'd like to wish everyone a happy Cambodian New Year!!!

This was a very busy week. I had a baby shower that I made a cake for (shown above) and it was our niece Katrina's second birthday. I made her a Toy Story themed cake which was sooo cute. It was one of her favorite sceens from the second movie. We put up the bouncer and the kiddies had a great time bouncing and playing with the balloons. Tomorrow we are meeting up with Xanhnha's family to go to a bunch of different Cambodian celebrations. One in Camden and one in South Philly.

Last week my parents went to visit Liz in Cali. so it was quiet around the house. It was nice to be able to spend a lot of time with just the nuclear family. It is nice to have them back again though too :) Yesterday we went to the park for lunch. Jordan loves to play on the slides and we put Jared on a blanket and let him crawl around. Xanhnha took Jordan fishing last week but I dont think Jordan wants to do that again anytime soon because he was terrified of the fish! It is so nice to be able to go to that park and spend time outside again.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

funny picture

Check out everybodys face in this picture. They all have the same expression!

Happy Easter!!!

It was such a nice Easter holiday at our house this year. Adam and Tori and kids came over and Jordan and Katrina had an Easter egg hunt together. They were so cute and didn't fight over eggs at all! I guess the key is to make sure their is enough eggs to go around. We had an awesome dinner of traditional lamb, berry soup, and asparagus with an amazing coconut cake for dessert. The best part about this Easter was of course the weather! I do not recall an Easter in my lifetime that was more beautiful.

The boys and I went to visit the Luu's yesterday so Jordan and Jared were able to play with their cousin Dean. I have to make sure that the boys get enough time with their grandparents because it seems so lopsided since they live with their other set. When we are over their Jordan follows either his Popop or Grandmom everywhere they go like a puppy. It is really very cute :) Jared and Dean were eyeing each other up with big smiles. It is funny how much babies love other babies. Jared got a little grumpy at the end though because we were out late and it was hot which is something he is not used to.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A tiring week

So Jordan has been sick for days now. He will be really sick and then start to get better only to relaps. I hope that he will beat this illness before the end of the week so that it does not ruin his Easter. Jared is doing ok. He seems to be a little sick but not to the degree that Jordan is. He is really practicing is standing now. He is constantly trying to pull himself up onto furniture and succeeds about 40% of the time. I am trying desperately to not get sick because I have way to much to do to be sick.

I booked our hotel for the cake show on May 1st and 2nd. Xanhnha and I are so excited! I have come up with a sea life cake design and I may recreate that caterpillar cake from Jordan's birthday too. I can enter 4 categories of my division. the caterpillar cake could be for either the special occasion non tiered or the special techniques category. The sea life cake will be in the special occasion tiers category. I am not planning on winning anything but public opinion is that if you are going to a show you should bring a cake because apparently the judges give really useful feedback. Mostly I am just so excited to get a close up look at the amazing wedding cake comp. and the specialty cakes. Xanhnha is just excited to get out of town for a few days. He is going to hang out with the kids while I'm at the show. Mom is planning on coming out for Sunday so she can see the cakes too. It will be a fun weekend!